Peter Kent
Our Trademark was born of an idea. That idea soon became a proyect to creat a style. A style that is reflected in the qualityt of the product, the provided service and the customer's attention. In the consolidation of our staff. In the retail design. In the possibility of being able to innovate over a constant: doing things right.
That's how in 1972, H.H.Neer decided to continue with challengeof facing the future, growing up to transform that same challenge into a proyect that provides, now-a-days, job to almost 30 people, with three shops located in the most sophisticated areas in Buenos Aires and an internationalrange that reaches the whole continent.
Every product of our collectionpreserves, even today, all the glamour of the refined countess who opwned a similar shop called Peter Kent, across the San Martin Park in the '50s.
Unique designs A strong personality in the interpretation of fashion. Hundred percent handmade. The result: timeless elegance, quality and design on handbags and leathergoods. Unmistakable style.
A new concept in leathergoods: comfort. Light handbags. Easy to carry, easy to wear.Adding comfort to shape and functionality to create accesories fit for everyday life.
Product made, almost entirly out of argentine leather. Special developments in order to achive exlusive ualities in colour and texture. Handmade ironwork, and the ultimate enphasis in details.Excellence and functionality.
Simplicity: design sintesis
Simplicity is the most complicated thing to achieve, and the condition that gives meaning to Peter kent's designs.
We design for a woman that is spirited, dinamic, that knows about style and fashion. A woman in attitud and mature in her to search for personal achievement. A woman that needs clothes and accesories to match her lifestyle. Quality, fashion and uniqness for a new type of woman.
The non-stop adition of new designs all year long enlarges the two regular anual collections. Daring ideas in the use of colours, modern in the concept to carry anywhere anytime. For Peter Kent to be classic means innovating