In 2011, after graduating from University of Buenos Aires in Design, where they are nowadays teachers, Natalia Casal, Lucía Cornejo and Marina Rulli began to create TREGUA.
They were previously selected as finalist of Semillero UBA for Buenos Aires Fashion week and is during the same year that they start with the idea of creating a brand together.
is a project born with few resources, something of creativity and a lot of ambition. Combining industrial thought with design they create their first collection of complex compositions and varied forms. From the recovery of textile remnants they obtain the morphology of their pieces, giving place to different and innovative forms. TREGUA designs from the conception of a real body and embracing of the feminine forms. This is achieved through resources such as cuts, exits to the space and adaptable materials.
Winners of the contest Virginia S in 2012, where there are granted as first prize, their own fashion show in the BAf Week Autumn winter of March 2013. They present their coleccion Dermica, using delicate materials, gummed textiles and latex, as their innovative material.
Winners of the contest Fashion edition Buenos Aires of Faena and Mercedes Benz, where once again they are granted with their own fashion show for Mercedes Benz Fashion Week in Mexico in March 2014.